Saturday, December 6, 2008

Food Safety Authority orders the withdrawal and recall of all Irish pork products dating back to 1 September.

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The Food Safety Authority has ordered the withdrawal and recall of all Irish pork products dating back to 1 September.

It follows the discovery of a contaminant in pig feed by a dioxin known as PCB at levels between 80 and 200 times the safe limits.

PCBs are highly dangerous man-made chemicals that were banned in 1979. They effect the immune and reproductive systems and can, in certain cases, cause cancers......The public have been advised to destroy all pork products purchased since September.

Contaminated feed was used at a total of 47 farms.(RTE)

1 comment:

rainywalker said...

When living in North Carolina a contractor mixed PCB's from transformers with oil and sprayed it on 20 some miles of state highway berm. So the state had to close the highway for a couple weeks while the contractor removed it all. We have recalls, China [the FDA is setting up an office there]and other countries. Why not just have more inspections of a run of products? But I guess I answered my own question, follow the money!